The subscription to the Cicloraduno includes 3 steps:
1- online registration
2- payment of the subscription fee by bank transfer
IT85 R056 9610 8000 0002 1162 X76
Intestazione Ciclocittà - Banca Popolare di Sondrio - Ag. 1 Varese
3- registration once you get there.
The deadline to subscribe is on the 31st of May 2017.
The subscription fee is 145 Euros for the WEEK END formula (Thursday to Sunday) , and 220 euros for the WEEK Formula (Monday to Sunday).
Participants under 18 years of age will get a special price: 95 euros for the week-end Formula and 175 euros for the week Formula.
It is necessary to be an associated of FIAB or other similar association of ECF( European Cycling Federation) to participate.
In case you are not yet associated to FIAB you can do with FIAB Varese with a 2017 yearly fee of 22€ as Socio Ordinario. This fee include the Liability Insurance .
In case you need additional information here the contact for international participants Fabrizio +39 366 6363860 (English, German)